Introducing the Joint Research Unit

On January 1, 2014 the Joint Research Unit "Architecture, Urbanism, Society: Knowledge, Education, Research" (UMR AUSser no. 3329) had its contract officially extended for 5 years, under the supervision of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Ministry of Culture and Communications.

UMR AUSser brings together four research teams from a partnership of four schools of architecture in Paris: IPRAUS (Paris Research Institute: Architecture, Urbanism, Society) at the Paris-Belleville National School of ArchitectureACS (Architecture, Culture, Society, 19th–21st century) at the Paris-Malaquais National School of ArchitectureAHTTEP (Architecture, History, Transport, Territory, Heritage) at the Paris-La-Villette National School of Architecture; and OCS (Suburban Studies Observatory) at the School of Architecture, the City and Territories in Marne-La-Vallée. The joint research unit is thus spread over four sites, with its offices at Paris-Belleville.

The unit is part of Section 39 – 'Spaces, Territories, Societies' – of the National Centre for Scientific Research. It belongs to a partnership involving the Université Paris-Est Community of Universities and Establishments including the 'Cities, Transport and Territories' graduate school [1] itself part of the interdisciplinary hub devoted to the city and of the 'Urban Futures: Development, Architecture, Environment, Transport' laboratory, within which the Unit represents the architectural side and the specific input of the National Schools of Architecture.

[1] The 'Cities, Transport and Territories' Graduate School is backed by the Université Paris-Est Research and Advanced Education Hub, of which the Paris-Belleville, Paris-Malaquais and Marne-la-Vallée Schools of Architecture are associate members.