BCL's HAL collection
Lastest documents submitted on HAL
Robin Quillivic, Frédérique Gayraud, Yann Auxéméry, Laurent Vanni, Denis Peschanski, et al.. Interdisciplinary approach to identify language markers for post-traumatic stress disorder using machine learning and deep learning. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14 (1), pp.12468. ⟨10.1038/s41598-024-61557-7⟩. ⟨hal-04595510⟩
Ludovic Tanguy, Céline Poudat, Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac. Message du troisième type : irruption d'un tiers dans un dialogue en ligne. JADT 2024 - 17es Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, SeSLa (Séminaire des Sciences du Langage de l’UCLouvain – Site Saint-Louis); LASLA (Laboratoire d’Analyse statistique des Langues anciennes de l’Université de Liège), 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique. ⟨hal-04627600⟩
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Languages express causation in various ways. Although periphrastic biclausal strategy is universally attested in every language, it coexists with a more parsimonious strategy that involves, depending on language, a light causative verb (e.g. faire in French) or a causative morpheme (-tIr- in Turkish). Since Marantz (1984) and Baker (1988), it has been widely acknowledged in generative theorizing that both of these causative markers are verb categories and carry event semantics. (…)
La prosodie imitative est l'un des secteurs de la prosodie/intonation dont la fonction est stylistique : cette figure vocale, ce trope, réalise une image du « mot » ciblé, par exemple GRAAAND (qui favorise une représentation mentale de la grandeur). Nos travaux ont enrichi la typologie existante (nous proposons 30 types de significations dans 10 domaines), mais ont surtout étudié minutieusement le fonctionnement de ces relations entre la prosodie imitante et le mot imité. Nous (…)
Dans cette présentation, nous verrons comment on peut s'appuyer sur la syntaxe en dépendances pour identifier des structures phraséologiques. Nous introduirons le langage TQL (Tree Query Language), développé pour la formulation de requêtes lexico-syntaxiques complexes, et examinerons comment ce langage a été intégré dans l'interface d'interrogation du Lexicoscope. A travers des fonctionnalités telles que l'extraction des Arbres lexicosyntaxiques récurrents (ALR) et des tableaux de (…)
The ICAGL Series
The 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL) (4th in the new series) will be held in Nice in June 2025. The original series started in Amsterdam 1986 and in 2015 merged with the Italian series of conferences on Greek linguistics (Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca), to start the new regular series of colloquia held every three years. This series of conferences aims to provide an international forum to present high-calibre ongoing (…)
Ur Shlonsly - "NOISE" - 10h
Ellipsis does not apply to a constituent in situ.
Andrew Nevins - "Agreement switch in verb-echo answers : Evidence for Distributed Ellipsis" - 11h30
This talk (based on joint work) explores the hypothesis that syntactic elements undergoing ellipsis can be targeted by both narrow syntactic and PF operations. We base this conclusion on experimental evidence from the interaction between single conjunct agreement and verb-echo answers in South Slavic — which (…)
Sequential information is encoded through various systems, among which, chunking, rule recognition and nested tree structures. However, the computational and neural mechanisms connecting these systems remain largely unknown. Dehaene et al. (2022) propose that humans possess internal languages governed by symbolic rules, coined Language of Thought (LoT). Based on this assumption we developed the Language of Thought (LoT) algorithm, which processes sequences and produces (…)
The human species seems to be endowed with the ability to rapidly discover the complex embedded structures present in the environment. This ability may be at the origin of the species-specific capacities for music, mathematics and natural language. We here study how the human brain stores sequences of events that exhibit varying levels of regularity and sequence information. I will present the results from the behavioural and brain imaging studies we ran to determine how visual (…)
Lorsqu'ils produisent des textes à l'écrit, les scripteurs alternent des périodes de production et des pauses. Pendant les périodes de production, ils opèrent avec des bursts (Kaufer et al. 1986), ou jets textuels (Cislaru & Olive 2018), i.e. des séquences langagières segmentées par deux pauses. Environ 75-80% de ces séquences s'enchaînent de manière linéaire (les autres concernant les révisions). Cette incrémentalité soulève la question de l'agencement des unités (…)
Cycle de colloques "Les Subordonnées complétives"
Organisation Friederike Moltmann, Kalle MULLER et Clémentine RAFFY (Equipe Dialectologie et Linguistique formelle)
On the monotonicity of attitudes : NPIs and clausal embedding par Tanya Bondarenko (Université de Harvard)
et Patrick D. Elliott (Heinreich Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
16-18H sur Zoom
Abstract : This goal of this presentation is to provide an account of an observation made by Sharvit (2023, henceforth Sharvit's (…)
Statistical learning, a fundamental brain mechanism shaping skill acquisition, habit development, and predictive processing, plays a pivotal role in optimizing cognitive performance. This presentation unveils noteworthy findings in the realm of statistical learning, emphasizing two crucial aspects. Firstly, it sheds light on the presence of ultra-fast memory consolidation processes within statistical learning. Secondly, it proposes two avenues for enhancing statistical (…)