Founded in 1991, the French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences (www.cefres.cz) is a French Research Institutes Abroad (IFRE) of the French Ministery of Foreign Affairs and a research unit of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS): an "Unité d'appui à la recherche" (UAR) 3138. One of CEFRES’s tasks is to build up a network of research teams between France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Research Areas

- Displacements, "dépaysements" and discrepancies : People, knowledge and practices
- Norms and transgressions
- Objects, traces, mapping : Everyday experience of spaces

CEFRES Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales USR 3138 CNRS-MEAE Na Florenci 3 CZ-110 00 Prague 1 www.cefres.cz