Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
UMR 3589


The Centre national de recherches météorologiques (CNRM) is a joint research unit (UMR 3589) set up by Météo-France and the CNRS. Its research activities are mainly carried out at Météo-France sites in Toulouse, Grenoble and Lannion. CNRM's research activities focus on the predictability of atmospheric phenomena, particularly extreme events, assimilation and modeling for numerical weather prediction, the study of climate and climate change, the water cycle, ocean-atmosphere-continents-cryosphere interfaces, atmospheric physico-chemistry, urban meteorology, instrumental developments and the deployment of these measurement resources for field campaigns to enrich the description and understanding of these phenomena.
Découvrir l'unité
Website : umr-cnrm.fr


          The collection in numbers :


2 830

bibliographical references


Open access

77 %
