Open archive of the ICARE laboratory


The HAL collection of the ICARE laboratory (UPR3021 of the CNRS) offers a showcase and access to the lab's scientific production deposited in the open HAL archive.

Researchers may deposit in the open HAL archive the bibliographical references of their work and, within the framework set by the Law for a Digital Republic of 7 October 2016 (Article 30) and by the publishers' policies, the full text of their publications.

The open HAL archive aims to:

  • improve international visibility and consultation of publications
  • to enhance the production of researchers, laboratories and institutions by ensuring a very wide dissemination, towards the academic world (researchers and students), the general public and the economic sector (civil society);
  • offer researchers and research units the possibility to manage their bibliographies by creating lists of publications, creating their own personal web page (CV HAL) and exporting automated flows of their publications to web pages;
  • ensure permanent and public preservation and access to publications;
  • support the movement for Open Access to publications and Open Science.

The HAL open archive meets the criteria for open access dissemination of research from European research projects and other funding bodies.

Update : October 2022.

Search engine

Number of references


Number of documents


The last 6 deposits

Chargement de la page

Map of ICARE laboratory collaborations

Evolution of deposits

Distribution by domain

Type of deposits
