index - Ecology and Conservation Science for Sustainable Seas


The ECOSEAS laboratory specializes in fundamental and applied marine ecology. Most of the work is carried out in the Mediterranean and covers both theoretical (ecosystem functioning; species biology and ecology; modification of marine fauna and flora under the influence of global change; biological impacts of pollutants at sea; quantification of the ecological state of a coastal system) and applied fields (management of human activities in the coastal zone; eco-toxicological biomonitoring; development of monitoring networks; marine protected areas; management of artisanal fishing).

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Uncertainty Coastal Benthic cover Marine biotoxins Benthic dinoflagellates Fishing methods Climate change Ecology Fully protected areas Emerging toxins 3-Dimensional computer-aided design model Baseline Ecopath Cephalopods Experimentation Espèces marines Complexity Marine forests Species distribution models Espèces invasives Deep learning Forêts marines Fish Community Cystoseira amentacea Small pelagic fish Diver operated video Fishing impacts on vulnerable species Biotic interactions Automated UVC Artificial reefs Acidification des océans 3D-printing Benthic HABs Ecosystem services indicators Ecosystem Future projections Evaluation Forest Extracellular Polymeric Substances Behavioral alterations Cystoseira compressa Biofilm Analyse systémique Artificial intelligence Data are available from the Open Science Framework 10 Ostreopsis Cystoseira sl Ambush Colonisation of artificial reefs Efflorescences algales nuisibles Biogeographic provinces Food-web Céphalopodes Food webs Edge effects Artificial reef substrates Ecological niche Coastalfish Mediterranean Sea Brevetoxins Fish assemblages Shellfish Grazing Anti-predator behavior 3D CAD model Ecological reconciliation Changement de régimes Habitat structural complexity 17605/OSF Convex hull Marine noise pollution Fisheries management Dinoflagellés benthiques Habitat choice Habitat complexity Colonisation des récifs artificiels Artificial reef Bruit Guidance level Artificial reef structure Habitat Contamination en métaux lourds Aquaculture Canopy Fishing pressure Changement climatique Algae Coral reefs France Herbivory Ecological niche modeling Complexité HABs Communautés de macroalgues Ecological niche models Marine protected areas Ecological indices Ecological restoration Chromatographie en phase liquide