The Institute of Microelectronics, Electromagnetism and Photonics - Laboratory of hyperfrequency and characterization, IMEP-LaHC , is a mixed research unit (CNRS/Grenoble INP/UGA/Université de Savoie) with 180 people. The unit is located on two geographic sites: Grenoble-Minatec (38) and Le Bourget du Lac (73)

The lab is deeply involved in researches concerning micro- and nanoelectronics, microphotonics, micro- and nanosystems as well as microwaves devices. The research activities are grouped around three teams: Radiofrequencies and microwaves (RFM), Micro- and nanoelectronic devices (CMNE) et Photonics (PHOTO)


Map of collaborations

Last publications

Publications by type

Publications by team

Website of the laboratory