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Jesse Alvin Etsine Obame, Serge Ekomy Ango, Jean Brice Mandatsy Moungomo, Rostand Moutou Pitti. Manufacture of fuel briquettes from sawdust from the wood of the Aucoumea klaineana pierre. 2ème Conférence sue les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’ 2022), Sénégal, 15-17 Juin 2022, Jun 2022, Saly, Senegal. ⟨hal-04889848⟩
Jordane Temdie Petnga, Sosthène Soumbou, Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui, Serge Ekomy Ango, Rostand Moutou Pitti. Impact of sugarcane starch and molasses on the mechanical properties of adobe bricks made from clay and sawdust. 2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’2021), Nov 2021, Saly, Senegal. ⟨hal-04889821⟩
Estelle Nkene Mezui, Rostand Moutou Pitti, Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui, Pierre Kisito Talla, Samuel Ikogou, et al.. Déformation et fissuration de rondelles de bois verts tropicales soumises à la dessiccation Strain and cracking in two tropical green wood slice subjected to desiccation. 2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’2021), Nov 2021, Saly, Sénégal. ⟨hal-04889746⟩
Claude Feldman, Serge Ekomy Ango, Chaimaa Jaafari, Rostand Moutou Pitti. Analytical model to simulate the behavior of notched wood beams (temperate species) under creep behavior in outdoor conditions. International Conference on Structural Integrity 2023 (ICSI 2023), Aug 2023, Madeira, Portugal. ⟨hal-04887300⟩
Cédrick Horphe Ndong Bidzo, Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui, Serge Ekomy Ango, Samuel Ikogou, Beat Kaiser, et al.. Analytical characterisation in Mode I fracture of adhesively bonded Double Cantilever Beam mixed glue joints. International Conference on Structural Integrity, Aug 2023, Madeira, Portugal. ⟨hal-04887259⟩
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