IPHC :: Liste des articles
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fulltext accessible on an other server Mass hierarchy discrimination with atmospheric neutrinos in large volume ice/water Cherenkov detectors
Franco D., Jollet C., Kouchner A., Kulikovskiy V., Meregaglia A., Perasso S., Pradier T., Tonazzo A., Van Elewyck V.
[hal-00785459 - version 1] (2013-02-06)
Direct measurement of backgrounds using reactor-off data in Double Chooz
Abe Y., Aberle C., C. Dos Anjos J., C. Barriere J., Bergevin M., Bernstein A., J. C. Bezerra T., Bezrukhov L., Blucher E., S. Bowden N. et al
Physical Review D 87 (2013) 011102(R) [in2p3-00771651 - version 1]
fulltext accessible on an other server Searches for Higgs bosons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV in the context of four-generation and fermiophobic models
Chatrchyan S., Besançon M., Choudhury S., Dejardin M., Denegri D., Fabbro B., Faure J.L., Ferri F., Ganjour S., Givernaud A. et al
[in2p3-00786331 - version 1] (08/02/2013)
fulltext accessible on an other server Search for pair-produced dijet resonances in four-jet final states in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Chatrchyan S., Besançon M., Choudhury S., Dejardin M., Denegri D., Fabbro B., Faure J.L., Ferri F., Ganjour S., Givernaud A. et al
[in2p3-00784931 - version 1] (05/02/2013)
fulltext accessible on an other server Measurement of the ttbar production cross section in the all-jet final state in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Chatrchyan S., Besançon M., Choudhury S., Dejardin M., Denegri D., Fabbro B., Faure J.L., Ferri F., Ganjour S., Givernaud A. et al
[in2p3-00784928 - version 1] (05/02/2013)
fulltext access Complementary Observer for Body Segments Motion Capturing by Inertial and Magnetic Sensors
Fourati H., Manamanni N., Afilal L., Handrich Y.
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2013) 1-9 [hal-00690145 - version 2]
Effect of contrasted levels of habitual physical activity on metabolic flexibility.
Bergouignan A., Antoun E., Momken I., Schoeller D. A., Gauquelin-Koch G., Simon C., Blanc S.
Journal of Applied Physiology (2013) epub ahead of print [hal-00783196 - version 1]
Giant petrels as predators of albatross chicks
Dilley B. J., Davies D., Connan M., Cooper J., De Villiers M., Swart L., Vandenabeele S., Ropert-Coudert Y., G. Ryan P.
Polar Biology (2013) in press [hal-00782546 - version 1]
fulltext access Transcriptome of Dickeya dadantii Infecting Acyrthosiphon pisum Reveals a Strong Defense against Antimicrobial Peptides.
Costechareyre D., Chich J.-F., Strub J.-M., Rahbé Y., Condemine G.
PLoS ONE 8, 1 (2013) e54118 [hal-00781257 - version 1]
The long engagement of the emperor penguin
Ancel A., Gilbert C., Beaulieu M.
Polar Biology (2013) in press [hal-00781075 - version 1]