Bibliography and open archives of the IRHT
The Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT), a research unit of the CNRS (UPR 841), is dedicated to fundamental research on medieval manuscripts and ancient prints. The history of texts written in the main cultural languages of the Mediterranean region (Latin, Romance languages, Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, Syriac, Arabic) is treated in all its aspects: material supports for writing, writing and decoration, textual content, iconography, distribution and reception.
Contact : Karima Pedemas
Last full-text repositories
Last publications
Jérémy Delmulle. Sessant’anni di ricerca sulle legature di manoscritti medievali in Francia: bilancio e prospettive. Melania Zanetti. La legatura dei libri antichi. Storia e conservazione, 7, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari; Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, pp.31-44, 2024, Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia, 978-88-6969-820-0. ⟨10.30687/978-88-6969-820-0/003⟩. ⟨hal-04571663⟩
Monica Brinzei. A Guide for understanding Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Monica Brinzei; William O. Duba. Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Exploring an Uncharted Scholastic-Philosophical Genre across Europe Part 1: Paris and Oxford, 7, Brepols, pp.1-34, 2024, Studia Sententiarum, 978-2-503-61208-9. ⟨halshs-04650665⟩
Monica Brinzei. John Kilcullen, John Scott (trans. and introd.), William of Ockham, On Heretics, Books 1-5 and Against John, Chapters 5-16, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi 43, ix + 497 pp., ISBN 9780197267592. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2024. ⟨halshs-04650674⟩
Jérémy Delmulle, Silverio Franzoni, Elisa Lonati, Pierre-Marie Sallé. Le Paris bénédictin du XVIIe siècle, carrefour de l’Europe savante. Bilan de quatre années de recherches et nouveaux outils. Revue Mabillon, revue internationale d'histoire et de littérature religieuses, 2024, 34, pp.287-302. ⟨10.1484/J.RM.5.141744⟩. ⟨hal-04436493⟩
Full text documents611
Bibliographic references3 181
Open Access rate18 %
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