Welcome to the collection of IRIF laboratory - UMR 8243

Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale (IRIF) is a research unit co-founded by CNRS and Université Paris Cité, as UMR 8243. It results from the merging of the two research units LIAFA and PPS on January 1st, 2016. IRIF hosts one Inria project-team. IRIF is also member of Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP), and of three regional programs: Math Innov, Computer Sciences, Quantum Technologies.

The research conducted at IRIF is based on the study and understanding of the foundations of all computer science, in order to provide innovative solutions to the current and future challenges of digital sciences. In particular, IRIF is renown for its contributions to the design and analysis of algorithms, the study of computational and data representation models, the foundations of programming languages, software development, verification, and certification. IRIF also conducts interdisciplinary research taking advantage of its scientific approach.

•This collection contains only publications submitted on the initiative of their authors and is therefore not representative of all IRIF publications. Any statistical study of this collection could only be wrong. However, IRIF encourages its members to regularly deposit their publications in this collection.•









Open Access

89 %



Topology Complexity Decidability Theory of computation → Graph algorithms analysis Smart contracts Approximation algorithms Reduction operators Semantics Systèmes distribués Opetope Reverse mathematics Communication complexity Subtyping Rewriting Combinatorial model category Program verification Noncrossing partitions Broadcasting Curry-Howard Graph search Verification Graph theory Shared memory Fixed points Bisimulation Automata Formal methods Concurrency Distributed graph algorithms Combinatorial maps Coloring Approximation Algorithms Cut elimination Proof nets Intersection types Algorithm Authentication Lambda calculus Software Package Installation Coinduction Opetopic set Linear logic Conference Monoid Linear Logic Distributed Computing Combinatorial topology Proof assistant Symbolic dynamics Non-wellfounded proofs BFS Geometry of interaction Graph algorithms Abstract machines Directed path Vérification Blockchain Cluster complex Reachability Automaton groups Call-by-value Coverability Circular proofs Accessible model category Logic in Computer Science csLO Polynomial functor Separation Proof assistants CCS Concepts Distributed algorithms Clustering Cryptography Eccentricity CONGEST Classical logic Type theory Formal verification Denotational semantics Theory of computation Union types Lambda-calculus Theory of computation → Distributed algorithms Réécriture Lambda-Calculus Proof theory Consensus Sequent calculus Categorical semantics Regular languages Quantum algorithms Coq Category theory Polygraphs Distributed systems Lower bounds Catégories supérieures Diameter Temporal path Transducers Signed graphs