The Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (OHM) system was designed as a tool to encourage, support and organise inter-disciplinarity. It is dedicated to the study and understanding of highly anthropised socio-ecosystems affected by sudden changes (socio-ecosystemic crises) that are increasingly taking place as part of Global Change (ecological, economic, social) or are its consequences. Through its research and the dissemination of its findings to scientific communities and society at large, it helps to promote sustainable development.
Since 2007, this OHM system has been designed and developed within the CNRS EDD, then INEE. It now comprises 13 OHMs, each focusing on its own specific area, 6 of which are located in metropolitan France, 2 overseas France and 5 abroad.
Since 2012, the LabEx DRIIHM (Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Milieu Interactions) has been responsible for its governance and for developing and coordinating cross-disciplinary activities.
The aim of this collection is to bring together all the scientific publications produced as part of projects developed in the OHMs and supported by LabEx DRIIHM, while at the same time making it possible to:

It lists all the publications contained in the sub-collections of the 13 OHMs that you can find via the tabs above.


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Instructions for depositors

What should be submitted to HAL?

  • The full text of articles published in peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed journals, after checking the terms of deposit granted by the publisher.

  • The full text of conference papers

  • At the very least, bibliographic references for all research products

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  • Create your account or log in with your login

  • Check the rights granted by scientific journals

  • Tutorials


To ensure that publications are properly identified, please comply with the signature rules for scientific publications of LabEx DRIIHM :
  • Submissions for publications resulting from a DRIIHM-funded project must mention the LabEx as ANR-11-LABX-0010 in the "ANR Project" field on the "Metadata" page.

  • The repository must be "stamped" to the relevant OHM subcollection(s) either manually by the owner(s) of the subcollection(s) or by adding the keyword(s): "OHM(i) <Name of OHM>" (see "Further information").

  • The deposit must be made in agreement with the co-authors and in compliance with the publishers' policy.

  • As submitting your results to HAL constitutes a public disclosure, make sure beforehand that these research results are not subject to confidentiality obligations, or that they are not the subject of a procedure underway for the filing of a patent.

Further information

You will find below, for the LabEx and the OHM, a link to the descriptive sheet, the address of the site and the keyword to be added to the notice:
Bassin Minier de Provence : -> OHM Bassin Minier de Provence
Oyapock (Guyane française) : -> OHM Oyapock
Estarreja (Portugal) : -> OHMi Estarreja
Tessékéré (Sénégal) : -> OHMi Tessekere
Pyrénées-Haut Vicdessos : -> OHM Pyrenees
Vallée du Rhône : -> OHM Vallee du Rhone
Littoral Méditerranéen :> OHM Littoral Mediterraneen
Nunavik (Canada) : -> OHMi Nunavik
Pays de Bitche : -> OHM Pays de Bitche
Pima County (USA) : -> OHMi Pima County
Littoral Caraïbe : -> OHM Littoral Caraibe
Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores (Chili) : -> OHMi Bahia Exploradores
Fessenheim : -> OHM Fessenheim



Latest articles

Microplastic (MP) content in nutrition including potable water is unregulated, although MP concentrations in individual brands of bottled water diverge by several orders of magnitude. The EU Directive 2020/2184 on consumable water quality recently proposed methodological approaches to the detection of MPs in potable water in the size range of 20-5000 μm. However, fine MPs in the 1-20 μm range are far more likely to pass the human intestine into blood and organs. To evaluate the impact of this omission on the total number of detected MPs, we determined MP concentrations down to 1 μm in ten different brands of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottled water and one tap water sample using automated Raman microspectroscopy. We found that MP concentrations ranged from 19 to 1,154 (n/L) [0.001 to 0.250 μg/L], and although all the investigated samples of bottled water were stored in PET containers, PET accounted only for a small percentage of identified MPs in most samples. Importantly, 98 and 94% of MPs measured less than 20 and 10 μm in diameter, respectively, demonstrating the importance of small MP inclusion in potable water analyses and regulation. The current study presents a protocol to identify MPs down to 1 μm in any type of potable water regardless of hardness, and demonstrates the importance of implementing both negative and positive procedural, quality control measures.

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During the last decades, fluvial sediment cores have been used to reconstruct and model pollution trends, especially for the post-1945 period. Ecological changes have been rarely studied in such recent sediment archives due to low organic levels and high hydro-sedimentary dynamics. Here, we address the challenge of reconstructing ecosystem changes along highly anthropized rivers by analysing plant macrofossils (e.g. seeds, wood fragments, mosses), animal and abiotic remains (mainly iron slags) accumulated in side channels. The main objective is to determine whether this approach – inspired from palaeoecology – is reliable. Interestingly, macrofossil records offer a coherent history of the species habitats and biodiversity on different sites on either side of a bypassed section of the Rhône River (France). Three main hydro-ecological phases are identified, linked to river developments. (1) A lotic phase, before damming, is marked by various local riparian forest taxa: black alder and willow macrofossils were regularly found in the cores, while black poplar is not recorded, despite its historical presence. (2) A synchronous terrestrialization phase (transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial ecosystem) is highlighted on both side channels in the late 1970s, due to the bypassing of the river and the subsequent lowering of the water level. During this phase, nitrophilous plants (nettles) expanded on both sites. (3) Finally, the effects of restoration also appeared in fluvial sediment cores, marked by new aquatic flora and fauna macrofossil taxa since 2000. Overall, this research demonstrated the potential of studying macrofossils in side channel deposits to understand the post-1945 history of riparian habitats and biodiversity, and their evolution after developments and/or restoration actions. This macrofossil approach could be considered as a tool to supplement monitoring data and to better interpret wetland changes with regard to hydromorphological adjustments along a river system over decades or centuries.

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Various industries produce a myriad of synthetic molecules used to satisfy our needs, but all these molecules are likely to reach aquatic environments. The number of organic contaminants found in rivers and lakes continues to rise, and part of this contamination gets transferred into sediments. Analytical methods to detect problematic substances in the environment often use mass spectrometry coupled with chromatography. Here we reviewed a set of 163 articles and compiled the relevant information into a comprehensive database for analysing organic contaminants in continental sediments including suspended particulate matter and surface and bottom sediments in lakes, rivers and estuaries. We found 1204 compounds detected at least once in sediments, and classified them into 11 categories, i.e. hydrocarbons, flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), plasticizers, per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), organochlorines (OCP) and other pesticides, pharmaceuticals, hormones, personal care products (PCP), and other contaminants. Concentrations of these compounds varied from a few ng to several mg/kg of dry sediment. Even hydrophilic compounds were detected in high concentrations. Well known hydrophobic and persistent contaminants tend to be analysed with mass spectrometry coupled to gas chromatography (GC-MS) whereas contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) are usually analysed with liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Suspect screening and non-target analysis (NTA), which use high-resolution mass spectrometry, are still scarcely used on sediment but hold promise for gaining deeper knowledge of organic contamination in aquatic environments.

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The aim of this article is to analyze the publicization of debates on public policy orientations, socio-technical choices and alternative solutions put forward by stakeholders to deal with situations of drought and water shortage. The case study is the state of Arizona (USA), where these situations are multiplying and intensifying. The analysis combines knowledge gained from field surveys with the analysis of stakeholder networks and discourses collected in the two largest regional newspapers. It emerges that political and economic positions and decisions have a decisive impact on the distribution of water resources. The article shows how textual data represent an important source for assessing the spatio-temporal configurations of drought episodes, and for identifying the risks and measures implemented or to be implemented that preoccupy societies and are the subject of public debate.

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The portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometer is widely employed for in situ analysis of both contaminated and uncontaminated soils. However, the accuracy of the measurements can be significantly affected by soil moisture, resulting in unreliable soil pollution monitoring. This effect has already been studied and quantified, but this is ineffective if the soil moisture in the field is unknown. Given the considerable variability of soil moisture conditions across time and space, significant bias during in situ investigations remains a main issue. This study introduces a novel method to estimate soil moisture directly from pXRF field measurements, enabling its reliable use in almost any field condition. The study was conducted using soil samples and in situ pXRF soil surface measurements in Estarreja (Portugal) and Vicdessos (France). In the first experiment, the innovative approach involved modeling soil moisture directly from the raw XRF measurement errors obtained in moist soils using multiple regression. In the second experiment, metal concentrations were modeled as an exponential function of the moisture content. The final model integrates both approaches to correct field data from geochemical mapping in diverse environments, including a coastal region in Portugal and a mountainous region in France. Our findings demonstrate that this simple, efficient and cost-effective method accurately predicts soil moisture (U) using pXRF, as shown by the equation Umeasured = 1.0028 x Uestimated (r2 = 0.9715). The model effectively corrected up to 70% of moisture-induced errors in metal concentrations in the wettest soils and produced more reliable soil Fe, Pb, and Zn maps. Specifically, the accuracy improvement was at least 32% in drier soils (Portugal) and at least 55% in wetter soils (France). This study offers a cost-effective, efficient solution for employing pXRF in geochemical mapping across different climatic conditions and soil environments.

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The precise dating of sedimentary archives covering the last 200 years in floodplains massivelyimpacted by human activities is a major challenge. 25 A combination of geochronological approaches isnecessary to accurately date post-1800 sedimentary deposits. Here, we use a combination of a widerange of methods to unravel floodplain sedimentary dynamics, through the example of the UpperRhine which is a highly regulated river. This comprises short--lived radionuclides (137Cs, 210Pbxs) andInfrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) single-grain dating. Luminescence profiling methods (IRSL30 screening, portable luminescence reader) were also used to further characterise sedimentationdynamics. These were combined with a hydrogeomorphological approach based on historicalplanimetric and hydrological data, the knowledge of engineering works as well as the morphosedimentaryadjustments they induced. Our study demonstrates the value of historic maps as well ashistorical hydrological data, which provide precise time markers for dating the sedimentary archive35 under study. We illustrate different assumptions, validity domains and limitations inherent to eachmethod, especially the complexity of 137Cs to date floodplain sediments and the potential ofluminescence methods for dating and estimating sedimentation continuity. We finally show theadvantage of combining geochronological approaches in the construction of robust age models foryoung floodplain sedimentary archives in highly anthropized fluvial environments.

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Cet article propose une première exploitation d'une base de données massives visant à décrire l’occupation de l’espace maritime par les navires marchands dans la Caraïbe. Cette occupation est résolument polymorphe du fait des activités maritimes et des types de navires qui y participent. Pour rendre compte de la diversité des géographies qui en découlent, nos travaux reposent sur une analyse désagrégée rendue possible grâce aux données de surveillance du trafic maritime AIS (Automatic Identification System). En développant une base de données multi-sources intégrant des données AIS couplées à des bases d’identification des navires et de caractérisation des terminaux portuaires, nous avons pu analyser les trajectoires maritimes des navires au cours d’une année entière et à l’échelle de la Grande Région Caraïbe pour en restituer les principales routes et escales. Les résultats de cette analyse exploratoire mettent en lumière la variabilité de l’emprise spatiale du transport maritime selon la nature des marchandises transportées (vrac sec ou liquide, conteneurs, passagers de croisière ou inter-îles, navires de service). Cette base de données se révèle donc être un outil précieux pour mieux appréhender les pressions environnementales générées par les différentes filières du transport maritime, en mer, le long des côtes et dans les zones portuaires, sur les écosystèmes, les territoires riverains et leur population.

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Cet article vise à analyser la publicisation des débats sur les orientations de politiques publiques, les choix sociotechniques et les solutions alternatives avancés par des acteurs et actrices, pour faire face aux situations de sécheresse et de pénurie en eau. Il prend pour cas d’étude l’État d’Arizona (États-Unis), dans lequel ces situations se multiplient et s’intensifient. Les analyses combinent les connaissances apportées par des entretiens et des observations sur le terrain avec l’analyse des réseaux d’acteurs et actrices, des discours collectés dans la presse locale et des messages sur Twitter. Il apparaît que les prises de position et les décisions de nature politique et économique entraînent des conséquences déterminantes sur la répartition des ressources hydriques. Enfin, l’article montre comment les prises de position et les discours, en relation avec les enquêtes de terrain, représentent une source d’importance pour évaluer les configurations spatio-temporelles des épisodes de sécheresses et pour déterminer quels sont les risques et les mesures mises ou à mettre en œuvre qui préoccupent les sociétés et font l’objet de débats publics.

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This article explores the process of implementing an interdisciplinary and participatory scientific approach in the “OHM Pays de Bitche” (Pays de Bitche Human-Environment Observatory).

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La région du Ferlo, zone d’élevage par excellence du Sénégal regorge de pratiques ethnovétérinaires jusque-là non documentées. Afin de contribuer à la conservation des connaissances éthnovétérinaires, l’objectif de cette étude était de recenser les pathologies animales bactériennes et les végétaux impliqués dans leur traitement au Ferlo Nord. Une enquête ethnobotanique, menée au moyen d’un guide d’entretien ouvert semistructuré, a ciblé principalement les pasteurs et propriétaires de bétail. Les informations recueillies ont été interprétées à l’aide d’outils statistiques descriptifs et de paramètres ethnobotaniques. Quatre pathologies bactériennes (botulisme, pasteurellose, charbon symptomatique et piétin) ont été répertoriées par un professionnel de la santé animale. La proportion d’usage des traitements végétaux proposés était de 87% contre le piétin, tandis que celles-ci variaient entre 13 et 16,5% pour les autres pathologies. Le botulisme a mobilisé plus de plantes (6 espèces) pour son traitement. L’usage de trois organes végétaux (feuille, fruit et racine), trois modes de préparation (pilage, emploi direct et macération) et deux voies d’administration (local et oral) ont été recensés. Combretum glutinosum Hochst. ex A.Rich., Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile et Guiera senegalensis JF. Gmel. étaient plus diversement exploitées entrant chacune dans le traitement de deux pathologies différentes. Cette étude valorise la médecine ethnovétérinaire dans un contexte de perte de savoirs et de savoir-faire qui mériteraient plus d’attention aux plans phytochimique et pharmacologique.

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