The Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (OHM) system was designed as a tool to encourage, support and organise inter-disciplinarity. It is dedicated to the study and understanding of highly anthropised socio-ecosystems affected by sudden changes (socio-ecosystemic crises) that are increasingly taking place as part of Global Change (ecological, economic, social) or are its consequences. Through its research and the dissemination of its findings to scientific communities and society at large, it helps to promote sustainable development.
Since 2007, this OHM system has been designed and developed within the CNRS EDD, then INEE. It now comprises 13 OHMs, each focusing on its own specific area, 6 of which are located in metropolitan France, 2 overseas France and 5 abroad.
Since 2012, the LabEx DRIIHM (Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Milieu Interactions) has been responsible for its governance and for developing and coordinating cross-disciplinary activities.
The aim of this collection is to bring together all the scientific publications produced as part of projects developed in the OHMs and supported by LabEx DRIIHM, while at the same time making it possible to:

It lists all the publications contained in the sub-collections of the 13 OHMs that you can find via the tabs above.


View the collection




Instructions for depositors

What should be submitted to HAL?

  • The full text of articles published in peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed journals, after checking the terms of deposit granted by the publisher.

  • The full text of conference papers

  • At the very least, bibliographic references for all research products

How to submit to HAL?

  • Create your account or log in with your login

  • Check the rights granted by scientific journals

  • Tutorials


To ensure that publications are properly identified, please comply with the signature rules for scientific publications of LabEx DRIIHM :
  • Submissions for publications resulting from a DRIIHM-funded project must mention the LabEx as ANR-11-LABX-0010 in the "ANR Project" field on the "Metadata" page.

  • The repository must be "stamped" to the relevant OHM subcollection(s) either manually by the owner(s) of the subcollection(s) or by adding the keyword(s): "OHM(i) <Name of OHM>" (see "Further information").

  • The deposit must be made in agreement with the co-authors and in compliance with the publishers' policy.

  • As submitting your results to HAL constitutes a public disclosure, make sure beforehand that these research results are not subject to confidentiality obligations, or that they are not the subject of a procedure underway for the filing of a patent.

Further information

You will find below, for the LabEx and the OHM, a link to the descriptive sheet, the address of the site and the keyword to be added to the notice:
Bassin Minier de Provence : -> OHM Bassin Minier de Provence
Oyapock (Guyane française) : -> OHM Oyapock
Estarreja (Portugal) : -> OHMi Estarreja
Tessékéré (Sénégal) : -> OHMi Tessekere
Pyrénées-Haut Vicdessos : -> OHM Pyrenees
Vallée du Rhône : -> OHM Vallee du Rhone
Littoral Méditerranéen :> OHM Littoral Mediterraneen
Nunavik (Canada) : -> OHMi Nunavik
Pays de Bitche : -> OHM Pays de Bitche
Pima County (USA) : -> OHMi Pima County
Littoral Caraïbe : -> OHM Littoral Caraibe
Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores (Chili) : -> OHMi Bahia Exploradores
Fessenheim : -> OHM Fessenheim



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