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« Gaspard-Monge Computer Science Laboratory » (LIGM) - UMR 8049 CNRS


Stéphane Vialette

Deputy director

Jamal Najim


Université Gustave Eiffel, École des Ponts ParisTech, CNRS



Teams and research areas

  • Discrete Algorithmics and Applications (G. Kucherov): Algorithms for combinatorial structures and algorithms for bioinformatics, algorithmic and combinatorial geometry, linguistics for language processing.
  • Algebraic combinatorics and symbolic computation (J.-Y. Thibon): Combinatorics -  Symbolic and formal computation.
  • Databases, automata, analysis of algorithms and models (C. Nicaud): Analysis of algorithms, automata, databases, algorithmic theory of finite and infinite models
  • Software, Networks and Real-Time (A. Rachedi): Software engineering - Network protocols - Real-time algorithmics.
  • Algorithmics, architectures, image analysis and computer graphics (L. Najman): Theoretical computer science - Recognition, image processing and image synthesis - Three-dimensional reconstruction from images- Machine learning.
  • Signal and communications (W. Hachem): Image analysis and inverse problems - Information transmission and digital communications - Statistical signal processing.

HAL contact

philippe.gambette@univ-eiffel.fr (Philippe Gambette)










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