index - Laboratoire de Physique Théorique - LPT

Présentation du LPT

Le LPT (UMR 5152, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique) est un laboratoire de recherche localisé sur le campus de l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. Il a été fondé en 1991 et a été créé administrativement en 2003. Les chercheurs du LPT étaient rattachés au Laboratoire de Physique Quantique au sein du Groupe de Physique Théorique. L'expertise du LPT couvre les domaines de la matière condensée et la matière molle ainsi que la physique statistique et la physique non-linéaire.

Le LPT est membre de la Fédération de recherche FeRMI (Fédération de recherche Matière et Interactions - FR2051), anciennement IRSAMC (Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes).


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Quantum cloning is a fundamental protocol of quantum information theory. Perfect universal quantum cloning is prohibited by the laws of quantum mechanics, only imperfect copies being reachable. Symmetric quantum cloning is concerned with case when the quality of the clones is identical. In this work, we study the general case of $1 \to N$ asymmetric cloning, where one asks for arbitrary qualities of the clones. We characterize, for all Hilbert space dimensions and number of clones, the set of all possible clone qualities. This set is realized as the nonnegative part of the unit ball of a newly introduced norm, which we call the $\mathcal{Q}$-norm. We also provide a closed form expression for the quantum cloner achieving a given clone quality vector. Our analysis relies on the Schur-Weyl duality and on the study of the spectral properties of partially transposed permutation operators.

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Despite 15 years of extensive investigation, the fabrication and study of nanofluidic devices that incorporate a single carbon nanotube (CNT) still represents a remarkable experimental challenge. In this study, we present the fabrication of nanofluidic devices that integrate an individual single-walled CNT (SWCNT), showcasing a notable reduction in noise by 1 -3 orders of magnitude compared to conventional devices. This achievement was made possible by employing high dielectric constant materials for both the substrate and the CNT-covering layer. Furthermore, we provide a detailed account of the crucial factors contributing to the successful fabrication of SWCNT-based nanofluidic devices that are reliably leak-free, plug-free, and long-lived. Key considerations include the quality of the substrate-layer interface, the nanotube opening, and the effective removal of photoresist residues and trapped microbubbles. We demonstrate that these devices, characterized by a high signal-tonoise ratio, enable spectral noise analysis of ionic transport through an individual SWCNT, thus showing that SWCNTs obey Hooge's law in 1/ f at low frequencies. Beyond advancing our fundamental understanding of ion transport in SWCNTs, these ultralow-noise measurements open avenues for leveraging SWCNTs in nanopore sensing applications for single-molecule detection, offering high sensitivity and identification capabilities.

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The quantum loop model (QLM), along with the quantum dimer model (QDM), are archetypal correlated systems with local constraints. With natural foundations in statistical mechanics, these models are of direct relevance to various important physical concepts and systems, such as topological order, lattice gauge theories, geometric frustrations, or more recently Rydberg quantum simulators. However, the effect of finite temperature fluctuations on these quantum constrained models has been barely explored. Here we study, via unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations and field theoretical analysis, the finite temperature phase diagram of the QLM on the triangular lattice. We discover that the vison plaquette (VP) crystal experiences a finite temperature continuous transition, which smoothly connects to the (2+1)d Cubic* quantum critical point separating the VP and $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ quantum spin liquid phases. This finite temperature phase transition acquires a unique property of {\it thermal fractionalization}, in that, both the cubic order parameter -- the plaquette loop resonance -- and its constituent -- the vison field -- exhibit independent criticality signatures. This phase transition is connected to a 3-state Potts transition between the lattice nematic phase and the high-temperature disordered phase.

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The Bethe-Salpeter equation has been extensively employed to compute the two-body electron-hole propagator and its poles which correspond to the neutral excitation energies of the system. Through a different time-ordering, the two-body Green's function can also describe the propagation of two electrons or two holes. The corresponding poles are the double ionization potentials and double electron affinities of the system. In this work, a Bethe-Salpeter equation for the two-body particle-particle propagator is derived within the linear-response formalism using a pairing field and anomalous propagators. This framework allows us to compute kernels corresponding to different self-energy approximations ($GW$, $T$-matrix, and second-Born) as in the usual electron-hole case. The performance of these various kernels is gauged for singlet and triplet valence double ionization potentials using a set of 23 small molecules. The description of double core hole states is also analyzed.

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