Welcome to the "HAL" - Institut Néel interface.

Institut Néel is a CNRS research center (UPR2940) created January 1st, 2007. It is located in Grenoble and is closely linked with Grenoble Alpes University and Grenoble INP. The core expertise of Institut Néel is fundamental research in condensed matter physics, while fueling interdisciplinary actions with chemistry, engineering and life sciences. Scientific activities of the laboratory covering a large scientific field: supra-conductor, quantum fluids, new materials, crystallography, surface science, quantum nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, sprintronics, magnetism...
The complete scientific production of the Institut Néel, since the date of creation (January 2007), can be accessed through this interface. The above tabs can be used for searching the entire institute. You can also reduce the scope of your research to one of its research teams or technical groups, see below. You can also browse only the subcategory devoted to PhD and Habilitation manuscripts of the laboratory.


MCBT: "Condensed Matter - Low Temperatures"

Research groups

Technical support groups

PLUM: "Physics Light Matter"

Research groups

Technical support groups

QUEST: "QUantum electronics, spinTronics and Surfaces"

Research groups

Technical support groups

Shared technical groups


Open Access publications for Institut Néel

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