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Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée
Liste des articles
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Derniers dépôts
A. Depresseux, E. Oliva, J. Gautier, F. Tissandier, G. Lambert, et al.. Demonstration of a Circularly Polarized Plasma-Based Soft-X-Ray Laser.
Physical Review Letters
, 2015, 115 (8), pp.083901.
A. Depresseux, E. Oliva, J. Gautier, J. Nejdl, M. Kozlova, et al.. Table-top femtosecond soft X-ray laser by collisional ionization gating.
Nature Photonics
, 2015, 9 (12), pp.817-821.
Davide Boschetto. Anisotropy of coherent phonon in Bismuth crystal.
Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications
, 2024, 20 (2), pp.38.
Lorenzo Martelli. Average Current Enhancement of Laser-Plasma Accelerators for Industrial Applications. Plasma Physics [physics.plasm-ph]. Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2024. English.
⟨NNT : 2024IPPAE012⟩
Davide Boschetto, Denis Morineau. Transient dielectric function dynamics driven by coherent phonons in Bismuth crystal.
Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications
, 2024, 20 (42),
André Mysyrowicz, Jean-Pierre Wolf. Propagation d'impulsions laser intenses dans l'air.
, 2024, 127, pp.32.
Sougata Mallick, Peng Ye, Willem Boutu, David Gauthier, Hamed Merdji, et al.. OAM driven nucleation of sub-50 nm compact antiferromagnetic skyrmions.
Advanced Functional Materials
, 2024, pp.2409528.
Joséphine Monzac, Slava Smartsev, Julius Huijts, Lucas Rovige, Igor Andriyash, et al.. Differential pumping for kHz operation of a Laser Wakefield accelerator based on a continuously flowing Hydrogen gas jet. 2024.
J. Monzac, S. Smartsev, J. Huijts, L. Rovige, I A Andriyash, et al.. Optical ionization effects in kHz laser wakefield acceleration with few-cycle pulses.
Physical Review Research
, 2024, 6 (4), pp.043099.
Maïmouna Bocoum, Maxence Thévenet, Frederik Böhle, Benoît Beaurepaire, Aline Vernier, et al.. Anticorrelated Emission of High Harmonics and Fast Electron Beams From Plasma Mirrors.
Physical Review Letters
, 2016, 116 (18),
N. Zaïm, M. Thévenet, A. Lifschitz, Jérôme Faure. Relativistic Acceleration of Electrons Injected by a Plasma Mirror into a Radially Polarized Laser Beam.
Physical Review Letters
, 2017, 119 (9), pp.094801.
Z.-H. He, B. Beaurepaire, J. Nees, G. Gallé, S. A. Scott, et al.. Capturing Structural Dynamics in Crystalline Silicon Using Chirped Electrons from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator.
Scientific Reports
, 2016, 6 (36224), pp.36224.
A. Döpp, C. Thaury, E. Guillaume, F. Massimo, Igor A Andriyash, et al.. Energy-Chirp Compensation in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator.
Physical Review Letters
, 2018, 121 (7), pp.074802.
Kosta Oubrerie, Igor Andriyash, Ronan Lahaye, Slava Smartsev, Victor Malka, et al.. Axiparabola: a new tool for high-intensity optics.
Journal of Optics
, 2022, 24 (4), pp.045503.
F Massimo, Agustin Lifschitz, C. Thaury, Victor Malka. Numerical study of laser energy effects on density transition injection in laser wakefield acceleration.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
, 2018, 60 (3), pp.034005.
Adeline Kabacinski, Kosta Oubrerie, Jean-Philippe Goddet, Julien Gautier, Fabien Tissandier, et al.. Measurement and control of main spatio-temporal couplings in a CPA laser chain.
Journal of Optics
, 2021, 23 (6), pp.06LT01.
Christian Greb, Esin Aktan, Roman Adam, Alex Dickson, Cédric Sire, et al.. Advanced Laser–Plasma Diagnostics for a Modular High-Repetition-Rate Plasma Electron Accelerator.
, 2024, 8 (3), pp.40.
B. Mahieu, N. Jourdain, Kim Ta Phuoc, F. Dorchies, Jean-Philippe Goddet, et al.. Probing warm dense matter using femtosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy with a laser-produced betatron source.
Nature Communications
, 2018, 9, pp.3276.
Andreas Döpp, Emilien Guillaume, Cédric Thaury, Julien Gautier, Igor Andriyash, et al.. An all-optical Compton source for single-exposure x-ray imaging.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
, 2016, 58 (3), pp.034005.
Kosta Oubrerie, Adrien Leblanc, Olena Kononenko, Ronan Lahaye, Igor A. Andriyash, et al.. Controlled acceleration of GeV electron beams in an all-optical plasma waveguide.
Light: Science and Applications
, 2022, 11, pp.180.
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