Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2025


Ryo Fujita
  • Function : Author


We introduce a monoidal analogue of Jantzen filtrations in the framework of monoidal abelian categories with generic braidings. It leads to a deformation of the multiplication of the Grothendieck ring. We conjecture, and we prove in many remarkable situations, that this deformation is associative so that our construction yields a quantization of the Grothendieck ring as well as analogs of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. As a first main example, for finite-dimensional representations of simply-laced quantum loop algebras, we prove the associativity and we establish that the resulting quantization coincides with the quantum Grothendieck ring constructed by Nakajima and Varagnolo-Vasserot in a geometric manner. Hence, it yields a unified representation-theoretic interpretation of the quantum Grothendieck ring. As a second main example, we establish an analogous result for a monoidal category of finite-dimensional modules over symmetric quiver Hecke algebras categorifying the coordinate ring of a unipotent group associated with a Weyl group element.

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hal-04863334 , version 1 (03-01-2025)



Ryo Fujita, David Hernandez. MONOIDAL JANTZEN FILTRATIONS. 2025. ⟨hal-04863334⟩
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