You are connected to the IRMA's part of the HAL server. The "Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée", is joined to the University of Strasbourg and to the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) .

HAL is a tool for direct scientific communication between researchers. HAL's software provides an interface for authors to upload into the CCSD database their manuscripts of scholarly articles in all fields. This environment is a small part of HAL database. It contains documents written by at least one member of IRMA.

For any question or commentary, please contact IRMA's webmaster.


Is your ANR project mentioned in the file you submit? The functionality for extracting metadata from a pdf file is now enriched with financing data and allows the deposit form to be automatically completed. Initially operational for ANR projects, the functionality will soon be extended to European projects.

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Scientific Publications of Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée

Research Teams :

Latest deposits

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Number of deposits

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Keys Figures

1 932 Publications with fulltext
7 Research data
1 Softwares

Open access files

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Evolution of deposits

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Type of publications

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