LOMA parent institutions are the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux. LOMA asked CCSD to create a "collection" for the laboratory so that publications in Hal can be validated.
In LOMA each author is invited to deposite its publications in open archive tool Hal. The person in charge of the collection can seize or complete the notes deposited in Hal.
The tool Hal offers the following advantages:
- Value the scientific production of its laboratory,
- Offer a free and long-lasting access to the publications,
- Favor the direct scientific communication between researchers,
- Participate in the distribution of the scientific and technic information
Web personalized by the collection LOMA proposes you by means of its tabs:
- LOMA publications: an access to articles ordered from the earliest to the latest
- Introduction to LOMA: a major scientific overview of the themes of the laboratory
- Find: a quantitative analysis of the deposits in Hal by: author, period or type of document
- Links: acesses towards other sites as the CCSD, ArXiv, LOMA, Sherpa/Romeo (policy of the publishers in term of deposit of articles in Open Archive repositories)