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29 résultats

Polychrome wares from Pakistani Makran, Mehrgarh/Nausharo (Pakistan) and Mundigak (Afghanistan): First results of the archaeometric studies

Aurore Didier , Anne Bouquillon , Yvan Coquinot , Anne-Solenn Le Hô , François Mirambet
Verena Widorn; Ute Franke; Petra Latschenberger. South Asian Archaeology and Art 2010, 2, Brepols, pp.11-24, 2016, Contextualizing Material Culture in South and Central Asia in Pre-Modern Times
Chapitre d'ouvrage halshs-02979807v1
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Shahr-i Sokhta and the chronology of the Indo-Iranian regions

Jean-François Jarrige , Aurore Didier , Gonzague Quivron
Paléorient, 2011, 37 (2), pp.7-34. ⟨10.3406/paleo.2011.5420⟩
Article dans une revue halshs-02978691v1

Miri Qalat and the Kech-Makran region during the second half of the 3rd Millennium BCE. Annual report.

Aurore Didier
The Shelby White and Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, Harvard University. 2015
Rapport halshs-03914737v1
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The Geoarchaeological Investigation Dry core drilling at Chanhu-Daro

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Safraz Ali Solangi , Syed Faraz Ali , Aurore Didier
Vidéo hal-04696061v1
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Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo
International Seminar on "French Contributions to Pakistan Studies", Feb 2014, Islamabad; Karachi; Banbhore, Pakistan. , 2014
Poster de conférence halshs-02986876v1
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EXCAVATIONS AT MEHRGARH (1974-1985 and 1997-2000)

Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo
International Seminar on "French Contributions to Pakistan Studies", Feb 2014, Islamabad; Karachi; Banbhore, Pakistan. , 2014
Poster de conférence halshs-02986833v1

Agropastoral foundations of the Indus civilization. Bioarchaeological and ethnobiological approaches at Chanhu-daro, Sindh, Pakistan

Margareta Tengberg , Marjan Mashkour , K. Debue , Laura Manca , Sidra Zahoor , et al.
25th Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Université Pompeu Fabra, Jul 2022, Barcelone, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-04010649v1
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Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo
International Seminar on "French Contributions to Pakistan Studies", Feb 2014, Islamabad; Karachi; Banbhore, Pakistan. , 2014
Poster de conférence halshs-02986870v1

Bone and shells. Artisanal exploitation of hard animal materials in the Iranian-Pakistani region during the Neolithic period

Laura Manca , Marjan Mashkour , Aurore Didier , Aline Averbouh , Sanaz Beizaee Doost , et al.
ICAZ-ASWA 15th International Meeting, Nov 2022, Tokyo, Japan
Poster de conférence halshs-03914940v1
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Faune et flore des niveaux profonds de Shahi-Tump (Balochistan, Pakistan) : premiers résultats

J Desse , Nathalie Desse-Berset , A Henry , M. Tengberg , R Besenval
Paléorient, 2009
Article dans une revue hal-02111879v1

Technical practices of the aceramic Neolithic communities from Mehrgarh (Balochistan, Pakistan). New data from the bone and antler industry – 1999/2000 field seasons

Laura Manca , Aurore Didier , Marjan Mashkour
25th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Jul 2022, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès halshs-03914896v1
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Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo
International Seminar on " French Contributions to Pakistan Studies", Feb 2014, Islamabad; Karachi; Banbhore, Pakistan.
Poster de conférence halshs-02986658v1

Faire le zouave sur des ruines

Pascal Mongne
Bouts du Monde, 2024, Carnets de Voyageurs, 57
Article dans une revue halshs-04388601v1
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New insights on Urbanism and Architecture of the Early Centuries to the Indus Valley Civilisation

Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo , Pascal Mongne , Alexandre Houdas , Gonzague Quivron
Vidéo hal-04160705v1
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De l'analyse ostéologique a la reconstitution du programme funéraire : gestes mortuaires et populations du Balochistan pakistanais protohistorique : Ve-IIIe millénaires av. J.-C.

Cécile Buquet-Marcon
Archéologie et Préhistoire. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018PA01H103⟩
Thèse tel-03092274v2
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Chanhu-daro, field-seasons 2015-2022. Contextual data and stratigraphy

Aurore Didier , Alexandre Houdas , Zafar Iqbal , Zakir Khan , Ali K Lashari , et al.
Sindh Antiquities, In press
Article dans une revue halshs-04365857v1

The site of Miri Qalat and the Kech-Makran region (Balochistan, Pakistan) during the second half of the 3rd millennium BCE. Annual Report

Aurore Didier
The Shelby White and Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications. 2018
Rapport halshs-03914677v1
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Margareta Tengberg floating process at Chanhu Daro, Sindh - Pakistan

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Margareta Tengberg , Pascal Mongne
Vidéo hal-04653994v1
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Catherine Jarrige , Jean-François Jarrige , Richard Meadow , Gonzague Quivron
Department of Culture and Tourism, Government of Sindh. 1995, 9698101113X
Ouvrages halshs-03868706v1

Mission archéologique de l’Indus (M.A.I.)

Gonzague Quivron , Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo
Article de blog scientifique hal-04134032v1

La culture constructive de la terre dans la protohistoire du Bassin de l’Indus : architecture, techniques et méthodes de fouilles

Alexandre Houdas , Pascal Mongne , David Sarmiento Castillo
Séminaire Interdisciplinarité et Matériaux du patrimoine, Sorbonne Université, Oct 2022, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03851557v1

Retour d'expérience sur l’utilisation du manuel HIRADA.“A step- by-step handbook to rock art documentation in the Himalayas” et au-delà

David Sarmiento Castillo , Zafar Iqbal
MAFIL - Mission Archéologique Franco-Indienne au Ladakh. 2022
Rapport hal-03858173v1
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Emergence de la vitrification à Mehrgarh dans la région indo-pakistanaise au Vè millénaire

Blanche Barthelemy de Saizieu
Cahier des thèmes transversaux ArScAn, 2002, II, pp.117-120
Article dans une revue hal-02095248v1
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Jean-François Jarrige , Catherine Jarrige , Gonzague Quivron , Luc Wengler , David Sarmiento Castillo
, Serie Indus-Balochistan (XV), 2013, Mémoires des Missions Archéologiques Françaises en Asie Centrale et en Asie Moyenne
Ouvrages halshs-02977150v1

Table-ronde « Archéologie et Environnement »

Yves Billaud , Manon Cabanis , Aurore Didier , V. Zech-Matterne , Florence Verdin
Assises scientifiques de l’archéologie française en France et à l’étranger, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres; Conseil national de la recherche archéologique du Ministère de la Culture, Jun 2023, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04365967v1

From Amri To Chanhu Daro

Aurore Didier , Catherine Jarrige , Gonzague Quivron
International Conference on Archaeological Heritage of Pakistan, The British Council; Walled City of Lahore Authority; Ambassade de France à Islamabad; Higher Education Commission of Pakistan; UNESCO; Government of Pakistan National History & Literary Heritage Division, Oct 2017, Lahore, Pakistan
Communication dans un congrès halshs-03041865v1
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La Protohistoire du Pakistan : Recherches pionnières des missions archéologiques françaises au Balochistan et au Sindh

Aurore Didier
Mondes et Cultures, 2023, Tome LXXXII, pp.625-635
Article dans une revue halshs-04365886v1

Miri Qalat and the Kech-Makran region during the second half of the 3rd Millennium BCE. Annual report.

Aurore Didier
The Shelby White and Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, Harvard University. 2016
Rapport halshs-03914696v1
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Unveiling Chanhu Daro: Archaeological Discoveries with Dr. Aurore Didier

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Aurore Didier
Vidéo hal-04653928v1