High-Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detected X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: A Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental Nanotechnologies
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have become a fast growing economic sector. As a consequence of the many debates concerning their safety, efforts are developed at international and national levels to develop a code of ethics for a safe and responsible development of ENMs. A sustained growth of the nanotechnology industry will rely heavily on the characterization of risks to the environment (water and soil resources, trophic transfers, biodiversity) and human health that may be posed by ENMs.
In this regard, physical-chemists, (micro)biologists, and ecologists need to conduct meaningful experiments to study the environmental risk of engineered nanomaterials with access to
relevant mechanistic data across several spatial and temporal scales (Auffan et al. 2019). Experimental devices as mesocosms that can be tailored to virtually mimic any ecosystem
appear as a particularly well-suited device (Auffan et al. 2014). Mesocosm testing bears clear advantages for the determination of both exposure ((bio)distribution, (bio)transformation) and hazard (sub-individual, individual, and community levels) following relevant exposure scenarios (low doses, mid-long term exposure), and for producing dependable and
intercomparable data. Adhering to environmentally relevant exposure scenarios implicitly represents a technical challenge since it requires to explore the speciation of a target chemical element at natural concentration levels in complex matrices, which is critical in the fields of environmental and biogeochemistry sciences. The sharp and well-marked features of the HERFD–X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra enabled us to determine unambiguously and with greater precision the speciation of the probed metal composing ENMs. This was a major technological advance, with strong benefits for the study of the behavior, and fate of highly diluted elements using XAS. We then illustrate the positive impact of this technique in terms of detection limit with two examples dealing with Ce- and Ag-based ENMs in ecologically relevant organisms (Tella et al. 2014, 2015).
1) Auffan M, Masion A, Mouneyrac C, de Garidel-Thoron C, Hendren CO, Thiery A, Santaella C, Giamberini L, Bottero J-Y, Wiesner MR, Rose J NanoImpact 2019 13: 66-69.
2) Auffan M, Tella M, Santaella C, Brousset L, Pailles C, Barakat M, Espinasse B, Artells E, Issartel J, Masion A, Rose J, Wiesner M, Achouak W, Thiery A, Bottero J-Y Scientific reports 2014 4: 5608.
3) Tella M, Auffan M, Brousset L, Issartel J, Kieffer I, Pailles C, Morel E, Santaella C, Angeletti B, Artells E, Rose J, Thiery A, Bottero J-Y Environmental Science & Technology 2014 48: 9004–9013.
4) Tella M, Auffan M, Brousset L, Morel E, Proux O, Chaneac C, Angeletti B, Pailles C, Artells E, Santaella C, Rose J, Thiery A, Bottero J-Y Environmental Science: Nano 2015 2: 653-663.