Gregory Akindynos in the Service of Patriarch John XIV Kalekas? Ecclesiological Issues at Stake in the Controversy between Gregory Akindynos and Gregory Palamas
Grégoire Akindynos au service du patriarche Jean XIV Kalékas ? Les enjeux ecclésiologiques de la controverse entre Grégoire Akindynos et Grégoire Palamas
According to their author, most of Gregory Akindynos’ writings related to the hesychast controversy, namely his Refutations of Gregory Palamas’ treatises and his Address to Patriarch John Kalekas, were composed on order of Kalekas himself. This objective alliance between the monk and the patriarch against Palamas and his followers was gradually formed: their converging ideas eventually brought Akindynos and Kalekas closer on the doctrinal level, but also led them to a common ecclesiology. I try to shed light on the ecclesiological questions at stake and to analyze Akindynos' conception of the role of the Church and its leader.