pourquoi-publier-sur-hal - Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon

As described in the roadmap for research infrastructure of the French ministry for research and the national plan for open science, HAL is a multidisciplinary archive used by the French scientific community to disseminate scientific results. It is on the one hand side a unique repository and archive for the French research institutes and on the other hand a powerful search engine for scientific publications and theses across all disciplines.

Submitting articles to HAL

Indeed, scientific studies have found a correlation between how many times an article is cited by other scientific works and its submission to an open repository. For example, a study of the University of Liège has studied how often scientific articles have been referenced on Web of Science and Scopus that were available on the open repository Orbi, compared to those which were not. The study found that the number of citations for articles which are openly available is twice as high as for those which are not. Other studies that have established similar correlations are

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