Experimental Laminar Flame Speed Study of Nitrogen-diluted Diethoxymethane/Oxidizer Mixtures under Microgavity
In this work, an experimental study of N2-diluted diethoxymethane spherically expanding flames was conducted. Slowly expanding spherical flames are known to be affected by radiation and buoyancy, deforming the flame’s shape and violating underlying existing post-processing assumptions. To isolate radiation effects from buoyancy-induced flame deformation, experiments were conducted under microgravity conditions on a parabolic flight campaign onboard the Airbus A310 Zero-G. The experimental results were compared with planar laminar flame speed simulations conducted using the 1D reactive CFD solver FlameMaster. The radiation correction formula proposed by Yu et al. [Combust. Flame, 11, 161 (2014)] was used to correct the experimental radiation-affected laminar flame speeds. The corrected values were compared with the adiabatic simulation results, showing reasonable agreement.