Investigation of load transfer mechanisms in reinforced cohesive soil embankments in case of subsidence using DEM
Investigation par la DEM des mécanismes de transfert de charge dans les remblais cohésifs en zone soumises à effondrements potentiels
Cavity formations by soil dissolution or underground collapses are at the origin of large surface subsidence that constitutes a risk of damage or failure for infrastructures. Soil reinforcement with geosynthetics positioned at shallow depth is an economical and functional solution to reduce the induced surface settlements. Previous research has mainly focused on the load transfer mechanism and the arching effect in cohesionless reinforced backfills when the cavity opens. Experimental and numerical studies dealing with cohesive soils are very rare, although this situation is commonly found in practice. To overcome this lack of knowledge, a numerical study based on Discrete Element Modelling is carried out to better understand the load transfer mechanisms that are mobilized in cohesive embankments prone to underground cavity opening. The results are compared with experimental data obtained on a small-scale laboratory model in terms of vertical and horizontal displacements of both soil and geosynthetics. The numerical results focus on the collapse mechanisms of the cohesive embankment, the load transfer mechanisms, the shape of the vertical load distribution acting on the geosynthetic layer, the strain and traction forces within the geosynthetic sheet.